Waveform: | choose from the following: |
sin the base of everything ;) sin.square a square wave that starts at 0 by default saw.1a wave that raises smooth from base (0) to 1 and then immidately drops to base again /I saw.2 dito, but the base is -1 tri.1 formed like a pyramid, base is 0 tri.2 dito, but the base is -1 noise creates a frequency-dependend - well, ehrm - noise | |
Offset: | selects the angle at which the function's calculation will start, eg, selecting sine with offset 90░ will |
effectively result in a cos-waveform, as the sine of 90░ is 1 and the playback will start there | |
Filter: | manipulates the function's values |
invert multiplies the value with -1 pos cuts all negative values neg cuts all positive values invert pos multiplies all positive values with -1 ![]() invert neg multiplies all negative values with -1 |
Volume: | adjusts the amplitude, thus also important for the mixing: |
imagine two "div"-mixed waves, with the second being louder - the result will be quieter. | |
Frequency: | ranges from 40 to 11,110Hz; what you type is what you get |
and it's correct, even if you use buzz at an other sampling rate than 44khz. The righmost value (FFFF) enables note support. With every other value, the note row of a track simply works as a trigger. |
Sweep: | this value is constantly (read again and again) being added to the frequency, leading to "sweeps" |
can also be used to generate percussions, try e.g. an 80hz square with sweep -1 :) | |
MixType: | sets the combination mode for this track's and the previous function value (thus obsolete for track 1) |
max the bigger of the two values wins avg both values are added and divided by two add both values are added mul both values are multiplied (gets loud!) div value one is divided by value two and boolean operation, each bit of the new wave is and(oldbit,thistrackbit) (only 1 if both are 1) or boolean operation, each bit of the new wave is or(oldbit,thistrackbit) (only 0 if both are 0) |
MixValue: | multiplies one value with 0<=x<=1, e.g. to add with 50%:100% means new=0.5*old+thistrack |
Attack: | the time [0-11888ms] this track's waveform needs to reach its set volume, read fade-in |
Sustain: | the time [0-11889ms] this track's waveform is to be played |
if you e.g. have a nice sound made with 4 tracks, all 4 sustain values should be the same... | |
Release: | the time [0-11888ms] this track's waveform needs to reach level 0 from its set volume, read fade-out |
note that 0ms will eventually lead to a click-sound at the end of the sustain-time, also setting sustain longer than the time between two triggers will cause clicks as the release then doesn't even start |